Therefore, it is necessary to change the dual rural and urban system into the unified urban system, detail the master plan, develop the tertiary industry, the first industry and the second industry and establish special legislation and management organs to solve the problems. 应采取变城乡二元为城市一元,深化总体规划方案,综合发展三一二产业,并设立特别立法与机构管理等措施综合解决。
To solve the problem of farmer workers we must break the dual economic structure and do more work in the aspects of deepening the reform of house registration system, building unified labor force market in urban and rural areas and constructing social security system for farm workers. 因此,要解决好农民工问题,就必须打破二元经济结构,在深化户籍制度改革、建立城乡统一劳动力市场、建立健全农民工社会保障体系等方面加大力度。
Finally, by the dual needs of accelerating the development of urbanization construction and building a harmonious socialist society, it proves the necessity to establish a "scientific unified, urban-rural integration" endowment insurance system. 最后,通过加快发展城市化建设以及构建社会主义和谐社会的双重需要,证明建立科学统一、城乡一体化的养老保险制度的必要性。